Artisan Highlight
Letter from our Founder

It has been a month since we were on Turkana soil and the joy that still vibrantly sits in my heart keeps me in awe of God’s goodness and provision. We began working in Turkana March 2020 and over the last 2 years, have sustained that location by God’s grace and some amazing partners like yourself (thank you!).
Through this commitment to this region, Imani Collective has created monthly consistent paychecks for 18 artisans and staff. We have provided daily meals and chai to them and their children. We have provided childcare and holistic support programs. We have celebrated them and seen them rise. These women have transformative stories, and we are only beginning!
This past month, with the help of all of the boys in the bara bara boys program, we were able to break ground. We purchased our first plot of land, dug over 120 holes, and put poles in, fencing, barbed wire, and gates! We endured the Turkana sun and saw such beauty come through in a very desolate place. We worshiped, sang, and prayed over the land. It was surreal to see it all unfold.
Many days I forget to reflect on how far we have come, but these days in Turkana – I cried almost every day because I was overwhelmed by the spirit and his goodness. I was overwhelmed by the generosity, love, compassion, and excitement that exuded from our community partners.
So, today, I want to say thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for standing with us, praying with us, and believing in our audacious dreams and vision of sustainable impact.
You are a vessel being used by the Lord and the impact is immense. I am grateful that this community continues to be a part of our story.
Please continue to pray with us.
With gratitude,